COVID-19 Health Insurance

People travel to release stress, ease tension, and feel calm. Some people travel and discover new places and people. Others travel to just have the time of their life. COVID-19 made travel risky, and many people delayed their planned escapes until things got better. Things are getting better. Thailand was always a popular destination for …

COVID-19 Health Insurance

Travelers all over the world share the joy of telling stories. Stories of experience and joy, meeting new people, and seeing new places. The Coronavirus pandemic ended new stories. People rehashed old stories, and with each retelling, people realized how much they missed traveling. How they were stuck and just wanted to get away. That …

COVID-19 Health Insurance

New Zealand should be commended on how it handled the Covid-19 crisis. They were one of the first countries to impose travel restrictions which helped curb the spread of Covid in the early days of the pandemic. Like Thailand, New Zealand was also one of the last countries to remove its restrictions. Both countries share …

Test and Go Program

This Weekly Update was originally posted on November 19, 2021. For the most recent update, click here. To sign-up for our Weekly Updates, please click here. What’s the “Test and Go” Program? The “Test and Go” Program also known as the No Quarantine Program was created for fully vaccinated visitors from 63 low-risk countries traveling …

COVID-19 Health Insurance

Day to day, life can seem to stretch forever. We get lost in the daily grind as time passes. Life can be fleeting. It is short and before we know it; we are out of time. Many travelers understand this and it drives them to discover new places. This hit home when COVID reared its …

COVID-19 Health Insurance

One of the best things about traveling is meeting new people. You can’t escape it. When traveling, you may not plan to meet people and have fun with them, but you expect that, somehow, traveling in a different country would not be complete without connecting with local and fellow travelers. Covid made people wary of …

COVID-19 Health Insurance

As a traveler, what is most important to you? Is it “enjoying the moment”, or “creating memories”? Is it being spontaneous and pushing outside your comfort zone? No matter your reason for traveling, one thing every traveler agrees on during this turbulent time is that being protected and safe is important. Another thing many agree …

COVID-19 Health Insurance

Why do people travel? Why do you travel? People travel for pleasure. For adventure. To see wonders they have not seen in places they have not been. Some travel because of business. Others relax and get away from home. Some want to do it all. Whatever the reason, there is this one thing all travelers …